Thursday, August 7, 2014

On the Campaign Trail with District Attorney Marian Ryan

This Sunday, I had the opportunity to accompany Marian Ryan, The MWPC endorsed candidate for Middlesex District Attorney, to the Weston Democratic Town Committee’s Annual Women’s Pool Party and Lunch. It was strictly a women’s only event, with male staffers for various candidates forced to wait at the end of the driveway for the duration of the lunch! Also in attendance was the moderator for the discussion Auditor Suzanne Bump, the candidate for Treasurer Deb Goldberg, the mother of Maura Healy (there to represent her daughter), the mother of Mike Lake who is a candidate for Lieutenant Governor, and several other candidates for State Senate and State Representative. It was a great opportunity for the candidates to interact with women voters and each other over lunch.
Each candidate or their representative was granted three minutes to speak followed by two questions from the audience. Marian Ryan spoke very passionately about why she loves being District Attorney and how she has the best ideas for the future of the office. “It has been my privilege to partner with people at the worse points in their life and help them move forward,” she said. Marian Ryan also mentioned a program she launched in Middlesex county called “Cut It Out” where salon professionals are trained to look for signs of domestic abuse and learn how to help victims safely seek help. Ms.Ryan received a great reception from those in attendance, and many people picked up her campaign and bumper stickers. It was a great opportunity to attend along with many inspiring people and future leaders of Massachusetts, and it was a privilege to be Marian Ryan’s guest.

-Kira Arnott